Practically came out of the womb with a camera in hand! Spent most of this life as a Photographer and Photography Teacher. Have a number of learning disabilities as well as sensory integration issues. Am barefoot year round, run barefoot, and living in Connecticut we have a full winter. Truth is if anything is in hand for more than five minutes we’re looking to redesign it! Have designed Cameras, Darkroom Equipment, computers and Pilates Apparatus. Now teaching Pilates, trained as a Classical Instructor.
After spending a life sharing God’s Revelations through Photography and teaching, helping people see the world around them. Also many years as a Deacon of a Congregational Church, leading Bible Studies, Preaching from the Pulpit on occasion. Always hoping to help make room in peoples lives for God’s presence. One day, there was a Revelation! If one is not sensitive to their own body, if people do not have the tools and the training to nurture the health and wellbeing of their body what else can be offered! If your body is sabotaging you what can you do, how can you fight it? It was at that point becoming a Pilates Instructor made sense.
As is normall for me, a redesign of every piece of Pilates equipment that is common to a Pilates Studio was undertaken! It’s been said that some Cannibals ingest their loved ones as a form of reverence, an act of becoming one. Taking something apart, redesigning, seeing how it works, and rebuilding is a similar process. It is an intimacy, an absorbing into ones self, making something your own, in that you understand how it works and what it is.
After spending a life sharing God’s Revelations through Photography and teaching, helping people see the world around them. Also many years as a Deacon of a Congregational Church, leading Bible Studies, Preaching from the Pulpit on occasion. Always hoping to help make room in peoples lives for God’s presence. One day, there was a Revelation! If one is not sensitive to their own body, if people do not have the tools and the training to nurture the health and wellbeing of their body what else can be offered! If your body is sabotaging you what can you do, how can you fight it? It was at that point becoming a Pilates Instructor made sense.
As is normall for me, a redesign of every piece of Pilates equipment that is common to a Pilates Studio was undertaken! It’s been said that some Cannibals ingest their loved ones as a form of reverence, an act of becoming one. Taking something apart, redesigning, seeing how it works, and rebuilding is a similar process. It is an intimacy, an absorbing into ones self, making something your own, in that you understand how it works and what it is.